I noticed that someone was asking about the download well here it is. Course leader: Introduction and Advance VectorWorks for Interior Design. Being selected by the panel of industry-professional judges will. Feedback to Student Support any concerns regarding students participation or progression in their studies using the ‘Engagement Registers’. Submission deadlines and prize award amounts vary based on the country and/or region. 1 Hi, This is Carol Bragg and I work for Vectorworks and I am here to help with any students issues that pop up. Below, a few judges tell why they think you should submit your work to the design scholarship: I’m very excited about the Vectorworks scholarship opportunity for design students preparing to enter the worlds of architecture, lighting, scenic, landscape, and interior design. Be fearless, bold and start making your mark on the industry!” Award Amount: Round 1 winners will receive 3,000 (USD) to be used for tuition, fees, housing. Additional Information: Vectorworks Design Scholarship winners will be announced publicly about 30 days after the application period closes. This scholarship competition is a brilliant way to have your work seen by amazing professionals in the industry, and a great way to help jump start your careers. Application requirements for the Vectorworks Design Scholarship are: Application form.

Stephen Jones, Professor of Theatrical Design at California State University and one of this year’s judges said: “I encourage every student to submit their work, no matter what your skill level is with drafting and rendering. “Our Design Scholarship competition is the perfect opportunity for students around the world to show off their creative abilities for a chance to help fund their academic endeavours.”

“We understand that students have a lot of expenses related to their education beyond tuition and we don’t want this to hinder them from starting their professional journey,” said Vectorworks Academic Marketing Programs Specialist, Jen Hart.
In addition, winners’ schools will receive free Vectorworks Design Suite software and free virtual or in-person workshop training for faculty and students. Submissions may be made by individual students or by groups of up to six students. First-round winners will each receive $3,000 USD and will be entered for the chance to win the grand prize Richard Diehl Award, worth an additional $7,000. The competition includes a two-round judging process. This guide will help readers get up to speed on all of these features quickly. Vectorworks is offering students up to $10,000 (US) in the sixth global design competition offered by this company. VectorWorks 10 for Windows and Macintosh Tom Baer 2003 The bestselling CAD software on the Mac and an industry-standard on Windows, VectorWorks 10 includes a slew of new enhancements to its robust 2D drafting and 3D modeling tools. The sixth iteration of the Vectorworks design scholarship is now open to submissions.