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The unit ammo system is completely changed.Units can now spawn from different locations instead of a singular spawn point.Status effects can now be applied to waves directly in the editor.The wave editor can now compress unit data for easy navigation.Certain generation filters now have improved functionality. Editor generation now has more accurate and detailed sliders.Individual teams now have their own multipliers for block health, block damage, AI building level and unit modifiers.Loading world data when joining a server now shows a progress bar.If one unit is banned, all of its upgrades will also be banned. Banned Tier 1 units cannot be built from their factories and reconstructors cannot accept anything that upgrades to a banned unit. Specific units can now be banned when setting up a game.An option to create no-build boundaries from polygons instead of circles around enemy cores can be toggled on maps.A core capture option allows teams to convert cores on destruction without the use of plugins.Added a search panel for available sectors in the world map, highlighting those under attack.Įditor, Multiplayer and PvP Improvements Multiplayer and PvP.Sector import statistics are now displayed.Sector export and import lines are now visible on the world map, similar to vulnerability lines.Units that cannot be upgraded due to missing technology (i.e not unlocking Horizon and upgrading Flare) will now have a warning icon that looks like the tech tree.Status effects are now displayed on the UI.The three teams in campaign (Sharded, Crux and Derelict) now have icons.New statistics added on core database, including input and output rates per second, fragmentation bullets, etc.Lighting on all sources improved Thorium reactor explosions now emit far more light, certain bullets now glow.The pause indicator now moves the core item display down instead of covering it.Fire visuals no longer lag the game to unreasonable levels.Numerous sound, sprite and UI improvements.Core landing and core launches now have special animations.Blocks belonging to the derelict (inactive) team can be stored and relocated by payload units.With the double-tap to mine option enabled, sand can now be mined by units.Repair Turret QoL and Other Feautres General

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Their new mechanics range from portable repair turrets and point defense to full on AOE healing and overdriving player blocks. These units are the most expensive and take the longest to produce.

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Naval Support Units are a new branch of units that focus on mixed offensive, defensive and production-oriented support.

  • 3 Editor, Multiplayer and PvP Improvements.
  • There are a lot of instructions in these byte-codes. My first idea was to implement JVM or LLVM-IR VirtualMachine to run compiled bytecode in Mindustry, but it looks complex.

    mindustry reddit

    So my idea is to make my own simple compiler from "real" programming language (with if, else, for, function, struct/class) to these primitive instructions and then export it in the Game. So it's almost impossible to write anything complex using these instructions. There are no if/else statements, no for-loop, no functions and classes. There is only one control statement: jump-to-line-if-statement-is-true. The problem is that the Processor "language" is extremely primitive. There are some examples how "programming" of such blocks looks like: You can order them to build blocks, patrol the Map, surround the weakest enemy, heal friends and bring ammunition to turrets. The cool thing is that you can use Game-embedded Processors blocks to control units.

    mindustry reddit

    I play in a fantastic sandbox tower-defence game Mindustry.

    Mindustry reddit