Victor vran cheat table
Victor vran cheat table

victor vran cheat table

You will see by Damian the Transmutation device, which will unlock at level 16. To the far right there is Casimir who will later sell you Destiny Cards. Keep an eye out when returning to the Castle for Ambrosia and Aether Vials, they will be useful for challenges. I recommend maxing out your Health Potions as soon as possible, remember to sell anything you won’t need. On the left side, you have Damian, who will sell you consumables and weaponry. Once you die you lose your Hardcore status. There is no major difference, except with Hardcore, you do not share stashes. Then you will choose if you want your character to be Hardcore or not. If you pick Casual or Normal, you can switch between the two freely. If you pick Hard, you may go back to Normal, but this is irreversible. Casual is the equivalent of easy, Normal has the option of Hexes at level 12 and Hard has permanently active Hexes. After that, you will select your difficulty.


Plus it is useful for some upcoming challenges. It gains you Overdrive overtime, and thus does not decay outside of battle. Now you will choose one outfit to better play your playing style, I recommend the Cavalier’s outfit. Jump down, then proceed to the next area. After they are all dead, climb up the wooden platforms on the east side of the area and go around the right wall and get the chest. Get 10 consecutive shots in 3 seconds (it’s not very hard, just mash Y), You will unlock: Gunslinger. Every time you kill an enemy with the shot gun this ability recharges instantly. With your shotgun equipped, continuously spam the special Y attack (the Aimed Shot). In this first courtyard you will fight about 13 spiders. It is signified by a red crosshair beneath the target. This, if done correctly will guarantee a Vulnerable effect, which can be effective in defeating bigger enemies from long range. You basically just press X once per shot and immediately after it cools down. The dummies are a good place to practice your Split-Timed Shots. You will have to kill them twice, unless you Overkill them (it will say by the damage above them). The Voice will ask you to open a box for him. In this building, you will be taught about combat and consumables. When you reach the gate, you will have to head around to the left and enter the next area, The Fallen Keep.

victor vran cheat table

Go to the bridge, then turn right, between the fence and the building and you will find another chest. After that, if you head away from the checkpoint, you can find some spider eggs that will hatch if not killed quickly and a chest you can wall jump to. He’s here to stay (unfortunately) regardless of if you listen to him.


After you learn how to wall jump (you can it twice), you’ll be introduced to The Voice. When you gain control, you will be walked through a closed course explaining the basic controls, and fighting the basic enemy class in the game, spiders. Basically, you want to find your friend Adrien, a fellow hunter. As you start the game there will be a cutscene which explains the back story of the game.

Victor vran cheat table